domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

The call to become a Shaman

The three most common ways to be initiated as a shaman are:

1) By inheritance,  where the shaman is chosen by the ancestors.

2) A confrontation with a personal crisis (physical / emotional / mental) that will force the person into the           shamanic path.

3) Finally, and usually the "less powerful"  way is a personal call - a vocation that leads people to seek the ancient knowledge and spiritual power that is contained in the shamanic heritage.

In either case, the trainee must undergo a long and rigorous period of training and pass a series of tests. The future shaman has certain characteristics within their culture.

Being born with a deformity, in some cultures indicates that the person has the potential to become a shaman. Surviving a lightning strike is a very powerful symbol in another culture, just as there are communities where the requirement is to be a woman.

Most cultures agree that “the shaman to be” must first  go through a long illness, physical, emotional or mental and go through a process of healing the disease by himself. In this process the traninee will undergo several symbolic death´s experiences…in order to resurrect as a healed healer.

During his apprenticeship, the initiate receives his/her allies, the power animals, which will guide him/her  through the multiple journeys he/she will have to take in order to find healing. The poweranimals provide the protection, and the information (first hand knowledge)necessary for the aprentice  to make the proper progress on his/her way in finding the right cure or answer to produce healing.

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